2018-2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Return to: Academic Departments, Programs, and Requirements for Majors and Minors
Associate Professor Wasileski (Chair); Professors Heard, Holmes, Holt, Krumpe; Associate Professors J.W. Brock, A. Wolfe; Assistant Professor Steed; Senior Lecturer Schmeltzer; Lecturers Aleman, Brogdon, Love
As a central science, chemistry is an important component of many disciplines. Therefore, it is the goal of the department to actively contribute to raising the level of scientific literacy for all students, provide them with an understanding of the relationship of chemistry to society, and to nurture their appreciation of the character of chemistry as a humanistic activity. The department continues to implement an approach that is built around an experiential, explorative-based curriculum that integrates the lecture with the laboratory and introduces students to research pedagogy early in their education. This involves smaller classes, group work, interactive methods, longer-term laboratories (projects and/or discovery-based laboratories), much greater use of student-centered learning activities, and culminates with a collaborative student-faculty research project. The department provides students with a solid base of chemical knowledge including the structure and reactivity of matter, familiarity with mathematical models describing matter, and experience with characterizing and measuring properties of matter. Students are taught problem solving and self-directed learning skills and communicating effectively both in writing and speaking.
Because its constituency is so diverse, the department offers both the Bachelor of Science and the Bachelor of Arts degrees with the flexibility to tailor course options to meet specific needs of the students.
Declaration of Major in Chemistry
Students wishing to declare a major in chemistry must complete the following prior to declaring:
- CHEM 145 and CHEM 231 with a grade of C or higher;
- MATH 191 ;
- be enrolled in, or have completed CHEM 232
Students considering a major in chemistry should speak with a faculty member in the department. They are also encouraged to complete an Intent to Declare a Chemistry Major form, available from the Chair of Chemistry. Once this form is submitted, an advisor from the Chemistry department will be assigned to the student, facilitating student participation in departmental functions.
Remaining a Chemistry Major
Students who have declared a major in chemistry remain in good academic standing within the department if their GPA for courses required by the department remains at or above a 2.00 for the B.A. degree and 2.30 for the B.S. degree. If the GPA in courses required by the department falls below the aforementioned levels, the student will be placed on departmental warning and will have two semesters to raise the GPA to the required level. Should satisfactory improvement not occur within the allotted time, the department reserves the right to revoke the student’s major in chemistry. If this occurs, students may redeclare once their GPA has risen above the requisite level.
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