Feb 08, 2025  
2018-2019 Catalog 
2018-2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


The University of North Carolina at Asheville welcomes applications from all individuals interested in post-secondary education and academic enrichment. In order to serve the diverse interests of students applying to UNC Asheville, there are various types of admission categories, and each admission type represents a different opportunity and relationship between the student and the University.  Any student whose application to UNC Asheville contains false statements, including those who fail to disclose all post-secondary institutions attended prior to applying to UNC Asheville, are subject to disciplinary action that may include dismissal from the University. Questions, inquiries, and all materials can be directed to:

Office of Admissions and Financial Aid
UNC Asheville
CPO #1320
One University Heights
Asheville, NC 28804-8510

Phone: 828.251.6481 or 800.531.9842
Email: admissions@unca.edu or finaid@unca.edu.
Web: admissions.unca.edu or financialaid.unca.edu

The application requirements and procedures for each admission type are explained below.

Application Requirements and Procedures

Admission to UNC Asheville is competitive. The Office of Admissions reviews each candidate’s application individually, considering all aspects of the applicant’s record before rendering a decision.  The Admissions Application Review Committee places strong emphasis on the quality of the candidate’s high school curriculum, performance, trends and class rank (if provided).  The candidate’s performance on standardized tests is also important during an application review, where the candidate’s best test performance is used in the final decision-making review.  The comprehensive review of all applicants is designed to look deeper than numbers and data to determine a student’s overall fit with UNC Asheville. Toward that end, the Committee also considers qualitative data when determining admission, including the application essay, extracurricular activity, honors achieved, leadership roles, special talents and abilities, and other contributions that an individual might bring to the UNC Asheville community. Our goal is to determine a candidate’s fit for the diverse, public, liberal arts educational experience at UNC Asheville. Applications for admission are reviewed on a rolling basis until such time that the University determines capacity has been met. Because capacity could be determined without notice, students are encouraged to apply early to increase the likelihood of space-availability.  Students will be notified of the admission decision by mail.   Please see the Office of Admissions website at admissions.unca.edu for additional information.

First-time, First-Year Freshman

First-time, first-year freshman applicants should apply early.  Candidates are guaranteed priority consideration for both admission and scholarships until such time the University determines capacity has been met for fall enrollment. UNC Asheville awards merit-based scholarships and need-based institutional grants after a student is offered admission (scholarships) and in conjunction with the financial aid packaging process (grants) as long as funds remain available.  If merit-based and need-based resources are situationally important for a student or family, these candidates should strongly consider applying as early as possible to ensure maximum consideration.

First-time, first-year freshman applicants must have completed, or be nearing completion of, a high school diploma or a high school equivalency diploma from a regionally accredited secondary institution to be eligible for admission.  The high school curriculum must demonstrate completion of the North Carolina Minimum Admissions Requirements and Minimum Course Requirements cited below.

First-time, first-year freshman applicants must submit the following to be considered for admission:

  • Completed application for admission.  Applications are available at admissions.unca.edu/apply-now
  • Non-refundable application fee of $75. This payment does not apply to other university fees.
  • Official high school transcripts, to be mailed directly by the school, to UNC Asheville’s Office of Admissions and Financial Aid at the address above. This transcript should show all the applicant’s high school studies through the date of application and include the grade-point average (4.0 scale) and class rank (if available). After graduation, the applicant must request a final high school transcript showing the date of graduation, final grade point average, and class rank (if available). 
  • Home schooled applicants who are NC residents must submit a copy of the “Home School Eligibility Certification,” issued by the NC Division of Non-Public Instruction. Non-North Carolina residents must submit official documentation indicating the home school is approved to provide instruction. Official transcripts should include the notarized signature of the home school official.
  • Official ACT or SAT test scores sent directly by the testing organization.  The UNC Asheville school code for ACT is 3064, and the school code for SAT is 5013.

Once a student is admitted, additional documentation listed below, as applicable to the individual student, will be required to ensure proper credit evaluation and credit assignment to the student’s UNC Asheville record.

  • Official Advanced Placement (AP) exam scores, if AP exams were taken. These scores are usually available in the summer months, but previous exams (sophomore and junior years) may be available sooner.
  • Official International Baccalaureate (IB) exam scores, if IB exams were taken. 
  • Official transcripts for any college or university courses taken prior to high school completion that earned college credit.

All first-time, first-year freshman students must provide immunization data as required by North Carolina law. Immunization records should be sent directly to UNC Asheville Health Services after official notification of acceptance. (See Health and Counseling Center for details.)

North Carolina Minimum Admissions Requirements (MAR)

All applicants for first-time, first-year freshman admission must meet minimum high school GPA and ACT/SAT scores (MAR). The minimum high school GPA for first-time undergraduates is 2.5 (weighted). The required minimum ACT/SAT scores for admission are a composite ACT score of 17, or a minimum SAT (mathematics and critical reading) score of 800 on tests administered prior to March 2016, or 880 for versions administered March 2016 and beyond.

North Carolina Minimum Course Requirements (MCR)

The University of North Carolina Board of Governors established minimum course requirements (MCR) for undergraduate admission, including a fourth unit of mathematics. These requirements are summarized below.

  • Completion, or nearing completion of, a high school diploma or a high school equivalency diploma from a regionally accredited secondary institution.
  • Four units of college preparatory English.
  • Four units of mathematics, including: Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, and one unit that has Algebra II as a prerequisite. It is recommended that the fourth unit be taken in the 12th grade.
  • Three units of science, including: one unit of biological science, one unit of physical science such as Chemistry or Physics, and one laboratory course.
  • Two units of social studies, including one unit of U.S. History.
  • Two units of the same foreign language.

Applicants who do not meet MAR or MCR should consider attending another institution and then applying to UNC Asheville as a transfer student at a later date. These students can attend another regionally accredited post-secondary college or university, successfully complete a minimum of 24 transferable semester hours, and then reapply to UNCA Asheville as a transfer student.

Alternative Admissions Programs for First-Time, First-Year Freshman: SOAR and Jump Start

Some first-time, first-year applicants will be admitted under the condition that they participate in one of two academic enhancement programs. The SOAR (Summer Opportunity for Academic Readiness) Program and the Jump Start Program are each designed to provide more academic advising, academic coaching, and intensive study-skill support for students prior to, and during, their enrollment. Historical data confirms that students who receive more direct support have an easier transition to their first-year freshman academic environment.

The SOAR Program is a 5-week, in-residence summer cohort program where the first-time freshman participants, following receipt of their high school diploma or high school equivalency diploma, complete two (2) academic courses during the summer prior to their enrollment in the fall. Students are admitted to SOAR after a comprehensive review of their application materials, and completion of the SOAR program is a required condition for the student’s enrollment in the fall as a first-time freshman.  Students must complete the summer SOAR program courses with a minimum 2.0 GPA.

The Jump Start Program offers additional academic coaching and study-skills development in a concurrent enrollment format, where students are heavily involved in the support components while taking their first-semester courses at UNC Asheville.  The Jump Start Program occurs during the fall semester.

Chancellor’s Exception for Admission

First-time, first-year freshman who do not satisfy MAR may warrant consideration for admission as a Chancellor’s Exception. The Admissions Application Review Committee can recommend a candidate for a Chancellor’s Exception, but such exceptions are granted only by the Chancellor. For an exception recommendation to be presented to the Chancellor, otherwise inadmissible candidates must demonstrate their potential for success through qualitative variables that are evaluated during a comprehensive review of the student’s application. The application contents must demonstrate dramatic performance improvements in academic work that is part of a strong high school curriculum, and the record should demonstrate a desire to maximize academic rigor. Extraordinary circumstances in a student’s story which provide contextual relevance to the sub-standard academic performance while demonstrating the potential for the student’s long-term success at UNC Asheville will also be considered. There are a limited number of Chancellor’s Exceptions allowed according to University of North Carolina policy, and not all Chancellor’s Exceptions are granted.

Transfer Students

Admission to UNC Asheville is competitive. The Office of Admissions reviews applications for admission individually, placing strong emphasis on a review all application materials, including: the application, official transcripts, essays, letters of recommendation and any other materials submitted to determine every candidate’s potential for success at UNC Asheville. No minimum cumulative transfer GPA guarantees admission. Strong cumulative performance in a college-level curriculum increases the likelihood of admission.

All students under the age of 21 must satisfy Minimum Course Requirements (see First-Time, First-Year Freshman section) as set by the University of North Carolina system. A student deficient in one or more of these courses must complete 24 hours of transferable credits or earn an A.A., A.S., or A.F.A. before becoming eligible for admission consideration.                         

Each applicant for admission as a transfer student must submit the following.

  • A completed application for admission.
  • A $75 application fee. This is a non-refundable processing charge and does not apply to any other university fee.
  • Official high school transcripts, mailed directly by the school, to UNC Asheville’s Office of Admissions and Financial Aid at the address above, showing grade-point average, class rank (if available), and date of graduation. Applicants who have an A.A., A.S., A.F.A., B.A. or B.S. degree at the time of application, or who are over the age of 21, do not need to provide high school transcripts.
  • Home schooled applicants who are NC residents must submit a copy of the “Home School Eligibility Certification,” issued by the NC Division of Non-Public Instruction. Non-North Carolina residents must submit official documentation indicating the home school is approved to provide instruction. Official transcripts should include the notarized signature of the home school official.
  • Official college transcripts from all institutions previously attended, including those attended on a correspondence, extension or distance-learning basis, and those from which you withdrew or earned no credit. The applicant must contact the Registrar at each institution attended and request that an official transcript be sent directly to the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid.
  • A Transfer Student Academic and Disciplinary Form, to be completed by a school official at current or last attended school.
  • An essay of 250 words or less. See the online application for admission for essay topic.
  • Official Advanced Placement (AP) exam scores, if AP exams were taken.
  • Official International Baccalaureate (IB) exam scores, if IB exams were taken. 
  • Official College Level Examination Program (CLEP) exam scores, if CLEP exams were taken. 
  • Immunization data as required by North Carolina law. Immunization records should be sent directly to UNC Asheville Health Services after official notification of acceptance. (See Health and Counseling Center for details.)

Appeals for Admission Denials

Applicants who are not offered formal admission to UNC Asheville may appeal the university’s decision.  In these cases, candidates are encouraged to contact their assigned Admissions Counselor and work together on the appeal. The Admissions Counselor can serve as a campus advocate for the student’s appeal and establish a partnership that will help the student submit the appropriate materials to provide the best chance for the appeal to be granted.  The Admissions Counselor will gather the appeal materials and submit them for consideration on the student’s behalf.  Appeals for admission are considered by the Enrollment Services Advisory Committee, which is comprised of staff and faculty who widely represent the offices in which students directly interact. 

If an appeal for admission is granted to a first-time, first-year freshman, the Enrollment Services Advisory Committee will determine which admission status is most appropriate for the student, and the decision could include a recommendation for regular admission, Jump Start or SOAR. 

Transfer students with fewer than 24 transferable semester hours, and those under the age of 21, who do not meet the minimum requirements for admission will have their appeal evaluated using first-time, first-year freshman student criteria and expectations, in addition to their demonstrated post-secondary academic history. Students completing any post-secondary academic work following the completion of high school will enter UNC Asheville as a transfer student upon formal acceptance. 

A formal letter of appeal written by the student and sent to the attention of their Admissions Counselor is the only requirement for an appeal, although providing additional information is recommended. This appeal letter is different from the essay used during the application process.The letter of appeal must formally state the intent to appeal the university’s original decision. The letter of appeal should contain information that explains why the student can be successful at UNC Asheville.It is strongly recommended that the student explain any quality or characteristic that may have impacted previous academic performance, while also documenting any potential plan, strategy or solution that addresses how the student can predict their own future success at UNC Asheville. All appeal decisions will be communicated in writing to the student.

In addition to the formal appeal letter, it is recommended that students include as much of the following information as possible.

  • Official academic transcripts for courses that have been completed or are in progress since the decision was made not to offer admission to the student. Final grades may have become official, mid-term grades may have become available, or new courses may have started that reinforce the quality of the student’s appeal.
  • Letter of recommendation that can defend the candidate’s decision to appeal.  Recognizing that any decision not to offer admission is based heavily on an evaluation that focuses on academic accomplishment, it is recommended that any letter of recommendation for an appeal include a perspective that reinforces the student’s assertion that they can be successful if given the chance to be admitted. Character references are important, but in the context of an academic appeal, an academic reference will be more valuable.
  • Supporting documentation that helps affirm the validity of the appeal argument for the committee to review.  While not required and certainly not always available, supporting documentation can be particularly powerful in appeals and can reinforce an argument. However, the existence of documentation should not be considered universally sufficient to have appeals granted. These documents reinforce an appellant’s position, but the committee always performs a comprehensive review that evaluates all materials when making a decision.

Post-Baccalaureate Students

Students who are interested in additional undergraduate study after having earned a baccalaureate degree from UNC Asheville or other regionally accredited institution have three choices: they may pursue a second degree; they may enroll in the teacher licensure program where they may or may not choose to pursue a second degree (see Education section of catalog); or they may take individual courses as a non-degree student.  The admission procedure is slightly different for each case.

Those holding baccalaureate degrees who wish to pursue a second degree or enroll in the teacher licensure program will be considered transfer students for admissions purposes. Students seeking a second degree must complete a minimum of 30 hours at UNC Asheville, to include at least two-thirds of the hours required for the major. UNC Asheville does not award additional baccalaureate degrees after a student has earned two baccalaureate degrees.

Each applicant for admission as a post-baccalaureate student must submit the following.

  • A completed application for admission.
  • A $75 application fee. This is a non-refundable processing charge and does not apply to any other university fee.
  • Official transcripts from all institutions previously attended, including those attended on a correspondence, extension or distance-learning basis. The applicant must contact the Registrar at each institution attended and request that an official transcript be sent directly to the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid.
  • Official Advanced Placement (AP) exam scores, if AP exams were taken.
  • Official International Baccalaureate (IB) exam scores, if IB exams were taken. 
  • Official College Level Examination Program (CLEP) exam scores, if CLEP exams were taken. 
  • Immunization data as required by North Carolina law. Immunization records should be sent directly to UNC Asheville Health Services after official notification of acceptance. (See Health and Counseling Center for details.)

Teacher Licensure

 Applicants holding baccalaureate degrees who wish to pursue teacher licensure will be considered transfer students for admissions purposes. (Those who wish to take college courses to renew their licensure may be admitted to the university as non-degree students.) Applicants must have a minimum 2.70 cumulative grade-point average from the school where they earned their baccalaureate degree in order to be considered for the teacher licensure program.

Each applicant for admission as a teacher licensure student must submit the following.

  • A completed application for admission.
  • A $75 application fee. This is a non-refundable processing charge and does not apply to any other university fee.
  • Official transcripts from all institutions previously attended, including those attended on a correspondence, extension or distance-learning basis. The applicant must contact the Registrar at each institution attended and request that an official transcript be sent directly to the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid.
  • Official College Level Examination Program (CLEP) scores, if CLEP exams were taken.
  • Immunization data as required by North Carolina law. Immunization records should be sent directly to UNC Asheville Health Services after official notification of acceptance. (See Health and Counseling Center for details.)

Graduate Students - Master of Liberal Arts and Sciences (M.L.A.S.)

Admission to the University of North Carolina at Asheville Master of Liberal Arts and Sciences  is based upon the applicant’s possession of a baccalaureate degree, or its equivalent, in any field, and demonstrated interest in pursuing advanced study in the liberal arts.

Each applicant for admission as a MLAS degree candidate must submit the following. ^Top
  • A completed M.L.A.S. application form.
  • An application fee of $60. This is a non-refundable processing charge and does not apply to any other university fee.
  • Official transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate work previously undertaken
  • Three letters of academic recommendation.
  • An essay of approximately 1000 words that reflects the applicant’s academic background and interests, passion for the liberal arts, how the applicant plans to use the M.L.A.S. Program to further personal and/or professional aims, and what special abilities, personal qualities, and life experience the applicant brings to the program.

In addition to these requirements, members of the Graduate Council will also conduct an on-campus interview with each applicant. Candidates for admission may submit their scores from the Graduate Record Examination or other standardized tests, but these scores are not required.

All applicants will be informed by the program director of their admission status as soon as possible after all of their credentials have been reviewed. The notice of admission may include mention of any academic condition under which a student is offered admission. Unless otherwise indicated, failure to meet those conditions will result in the student’s dismissal.

Non-Degree Students

Applicants who wish to take college courses but have no clear intention of obtaining a degree may be admitted to the university as non-degree students. Non-degree applicants under the age of 24 who have not earned a Bachelors degree or an A.A., A.S., or A.F.A. degree, must contact their high school to request that an official transcript be mailed to the Office of the Registrar of the University of North Carolina at Asheville as part of the application process. All students must provide verification of compliance with the North Carolina immunization requirement. Students who have been denied admission for reasons of academic deficiency, or previously enrolled students who have been dismissed, may not then be enrolled as non-degree students.

Admission as a non-degree student does not constitute regular admission to the university. Any non-degree student in good standing (2.5 grade-point average) who has accumulated 24 semester hours of credit must submit a degree application and any additional credentials required to be eligible to take additional courses. Students who wish to continue as non-degree students beyond 24 hours may apply for exemption to the Registrar. Rules on academic eligibility apply to non-degree students. A $35 non-refundable application fee is required.

Returning Students

UNC Asheville student who interrupts his or her educational program by not registering for one or more regular terms of course work must reapply to the university.

Returning students who attended another institution after leaving UNC Asheville, or students who are changing their status, must reapply through the Admissions Office. A $75 application fee will be required in those cases where the student has enrolled elsewhere since being enrolled at UNC Asheville. 

Students who did not attend another institution and are remaining in the same status should complete the Application for Readmission, available on the Office of the Registrar website. A $20 non-refundable application fee is required.

All returning students must provide immunization data as required by North Carolina law. Immunization records should be sent directly to UNC Asheville Health and Counseling Center after official notification of acceptance.

Visiting Students

Students from other colleges or universities may attend UNC Asheville as visitors, provided they are in good academic standing at the institution they have been attending. Visiting students must complete the online Visiting Student Application and submit a completed Visitor Permission Form signed by a dean or other responsible academic officer at the student’s home institution to OneStop Student Services. Verification of immunization compliance must also be provided.

It is the student’s responsibility to verify credit for the courses completed will transfer to the sponsoring institution. Upon completion of classes, the student must file a transcript request to have records forwarded to the sponsoring institution.

Visiting enrollment does not constitute regular admission to the University of North Carolina at Asheville. A separate application must be submitted for each semester a student is visiting. A $35 nonrefundable fee is required with each application.

Dual Enrollment 

Rising high school seniors may apply for Dual Enrollment admission to UNC Asheville for the purpose of taking courses not offered by their high school. Course enrollment at UNC Asheville is determined by availability of space in the classes selected. There is no application fee. Applications for Dual Enrollment are valid for one semester only, and will be reviewed on a case-by-case rolling basis. A new application must be submitted for each semester a student wishes to take UNC Asheville courses. All tuition and fees associated with enrollment are due at the time of registration.

To be eligible for dual enrollment at UNC Asheville, students must complete the following.

  • Meet the Minimum Course Requirements for the UNC system, except senior English and a fourth year of Math;
  • Meet two of the following standards;
    • rank in top 25 percent of their high school class
    • have a minimum GPA of 3.60
    • Have SAT Reasoning Test minimum score of 1150 on Math and Critical Reading or ACT Test minimum composite score of 25
  • Submit a completed and signed UNC Asheville Dual Enrollment Application which includes a signed permission from the high school principal and/or designated school official with approved course selections;
  • Submit official SAT Reasoning Test or ACT Test scores; and
  • Submit an official high school transcript.

Conditional Readmission Policy

Degree-seeking students who left UNC Asheville in poor academic standing (grade-point average below 2.0) may apply for readmission to the university under the Conditional Readmission Policy. This program gives students who might otherwise be unable to complete their baccalaureate degree for academic reasons the opportunity to prove themselves. To be considered for this policy, the student must not have attended UNC Asheville for a minimum of three years, and must show evidence that the reasons for the initial failure at UNC Asheville are no longer present. The Enrollment Services Committee will review all Conditional Readmission applicants.

A student approved under the policy is readmitted on a probationary basis, and must then complete 24 semester hours. Academic performance is reviewed by the Enrollment Services Committee at the completion of the 24 semester hours. If the standards established by the Committee have been met, the student is fully readmitted to UNC Asheville.

Academic work attempted prior to acceptance under the Conditional Readmission Policy is reviewed at this point, and only the credit hours (not grades) associated with courses in which the student earned a grade of C or better are applied to the degree program. Neither the hours, nor the grades for courses in which a student earned a C–, D, F or U are applied toward graduation. Required courses in which a student earned a grade below a C must be repeated.

A student’s academic transcript contains all attempted courses and grades earned at UNC Asheville; however, when a student is readmitted under the Conditional Readmission Policy, the grades in courses completed prior to the semester in which the student initially applied for readmission under the policy are not factored into the overall grade-point average. The transcript reflects the student’s admission to the program.

Students who are readmitted to UNC Asheville under this policy are not eligible for universitywide honors and cannot utilize the C–, D, F and U grade replacement policy. Once accepted into the Conditional Readmission program, students may not request to be removed from the program. Students may apply for Conditional Readmission one time.

Deferral of Admission

Students wishing to defer their admission to the university for one semester should notify the Office of Admissions to inform the institution of this decision. Students who wish to defer for a term longer than one semester are required to submit an application update along with an additional application fee.

Housing Application

Submitting an application for admission does not reserve a room in a campus residence hall. A separate application for housing must be submitted along with an advance tuition deposit and residence hall room deposit to the Office of Admissions immediately following notice of admission to the university. All first-time, first-year freshmen are required to live on campus during their initial academic year on campus. Additional information may be found in the Student Affairs  section of this catalog.


Residence Status for Tuition Payment

A student’s residency classification determines their in-state or out-of-state status for tuition purposes, and may impact admission, scholarship or financial aid eligibility.  State law mandates that only those who can demonstrate 12 months of uninterrupted domicile in North Carolina are eligible for in-state tuition. To be domiciled means maintaining a permanent home of indefinite duration as opposed to maintaining a mere temporary residence or abode incident to enrollment in an institution of higher education.

Residency determinations for all degree-seeking and non-degree students applying for admission or readmission to UNC system schools are made by the centralized, state-wide Residency Determination Service (RDS).  Individual institutions do not determine residency status for students.

For more information, visit https://registrar.unca.edu/nc-residency.