Feb 05, 2025  
2021-2022 Catalog 
2021-2022 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


View the programs in Education Visit the Department of Education website


Professors Ruppert (Chair), Cole, Ruffin, Sidelnick; Associate Professors Brown (Associate Chair), Couzo; Senior Lecturer Chapman; Technology Coordinator Randall; Outreach Coordinator Kessaris; Field Placement Coordinator Bodenheimer

The UNC Asheville Teacher Education Program, approved by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI), requires completion of an appropriate disciplinary major and offers professional education courses required to qualify for a North Carolina Professional Educator’s Initial License in the K-6, 6-9, 9-12 and K-12 areas listed below.

All students/candidates taking Education courses must purchase a criminal background check and receive a satisfactory report before beginning work in any course requiring a field experience and at other specified times during completion of the licensure program.  All licensure candidates must meet with their Department of Education advisor each semester, and undergraduate candidates must also meet with their major advisor each semester. The Education advisor will determine if prior course work is applicable to licensure requirements and develop a plan for all courses necessary for licensure. Students should consult the Department of Education Candidate Handbook for specific information related to obtaining a North Carolina Professional Educator’s Initial License through UNC Asheville. Visit http://education.unca.edu for additional information.

Pathways2Teaching Program

The Pathways2Teaching program is a grow-your-own teacher program developed by the University of Colorado. UNC Asheville partners with Asheville High School to offer a course, “Introduction to Socially Just Education,” that explores education through a social justice lens and provides students with the skills required to conduct research and write at the college-level. The program recruits 11th and 12th grade males and students of color, and will serve as a conduit to increase the diversity of the teacher workforce. As a part of UNC Asheville’s commitment to this partnership, Department of Education faculty will serve as guest lecturers in the ISJE course, and teacher licensure students will serve as mentors to these high school students.

Participating students who are subsequently admitted to UNC Asheville will have their portfolios assessed by the Department of Education chair. With a satisfactory assessment, those who complete the course with a grade of C or higher will have fulfilled the requirements for EDUC 210.

Areas of Licensure and Required Majors

The Department of Education is accredited to recommend candidates for licensure in the following areas.

  • Elementary Education (K–6)
  • Middle School (6–9): Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies
  • Secondary Education (9–12): Biology, Chemistry, Comprehensive Science, Earth Science, English, Latin, Mathematics, Physics, Social Studies
  • Kindergarten–12 (K­–12): Art, Modern Language (French and Spanish), Special Education: General Curriculum, Theatre Arts

Candidates seeking K-12 or 9-12 licensure (except for the area of K-12 Special Education: General Curriculum) must complete the disciplinary major which is congruent with their licensure area. Middle school licensure candidates must complete a major that is appropriate for their chosen licensure area of Language Arts, Mathematics, Science or Social Studies. Candidates seeking licensure in Elementary Education (K-6) or Special Education: General Curriculum may complete a disciplinary major in any area.

Requirements for Informal Admission as a Licensure Candidate

For Informal Admission as a Licensure Candidate to the Teacher Education Program, students must complete the following requirements.

  • Be accepted to UNC Asheville as an undergraduate degree-seeking or Post-Baccalaureate Licensure student
  • Complete at least 30 semester hours of post-secondary education
  • Enroll in EDUC 210 and EDUC 211
  • During the first course taken in the Department of Education, complete an online Informal Admission Form
  • During the first course taken in the Department of Education, complete an online Memorandum of Understanding regarding the potential effect criminal convictions may have on those seeking licensure
  • Purchase a criminal background check and receive a satisfactory report and departmental clearance before beginning the first field experience

Requirements for Formal Admission to the Licensure Program

For formal admission to the licensure program, candidates must have completed all Requirements for Informal Admission as a Licensure Candidate and complete the following requirements.   

  • Earn at least 30 semester hours and complete at least 3 semesters of post-secondary education
  • Achieve a grade of C or higher in EDUC 210  and a grade of Satisfactory in EDUC 211  
  • Earn a 2.7 cumulative grade-point average
  • Earn a 2.5 cumulative grade-point average on all course work within the major
  • During the first semester of the licensure program provide the Education advisor with a copy of acceptable scores, as established by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, on the SAT or ACT, or attain acceptable scores on the PRAXIS I Core Academic Skills for Educators exam
  • Have a satisfactory evaluation on the professional dispositions assessment administered in EDUC 210  and other relevant courses
  • Have a satisfactory evaluation of performance in all field experiences
  • Self-report any new criminal charges and/or convictions occurring between required criminal background checks and receive departmental clearance before proceeding to complete field experiences
  • Meet with the Education advisor to complete the Requirements for Licensure Contract for Formal Admission to the licensure program, and be granted Formal Admission by the department

Licensure for Post-Baccalaureate Candidates

The department offers opportunities for individuals holding bachelor’s degrees or higher who desire a North Carolina Professional Educator’s Initial License.

Post-baccalaureate candidates must meet the same requirements as undergraduate UNC Asheville licensure candidates including having a minimum undergraduate GPA of 2.7 for admission to the university as a teacher licensure candidate, acceptable scores on the SAT, ACT, or Praxis I Core Academic Skills for Educators exam; and acceptable scores on all state-required licensure exams for the desired licensure area(s). 

Post-baccalaureate students entering from an undergraduate institution that does not award letter grades or quality points must meet with an Education advisor prior to beginning their licensure program to design a plan for licensure completion. 

Requirements for Continuing in the Licensure Program

To continue in the licensure program, candidates must have completed all Requirements for Formal Admission to the Licensure Program and complete the following requirements to demonstrate at least satisfactory achievement in the areas of content knowledge, pedagogy and professionalism.

  • Receive a grade of C or better in all Education courses and required licensure courses (including but not limited to PSYC 319 , MATH 211  and 215 , as required)
  • Maintain a minimum overall GPA of 2.7, and a major GPA of 2.5 (for undergraduates)
  • Have satisfactory evaluations on the professional dispositions assessment in all relevant courses
  • Have satisfactory evaluations of performance in all field experiences
  • Self-report any new criminal charges and/or convictions occurring between required criminal background checks and receive departmental clearance before proceeding to complete field experiences

Requirements for Admission to the Professional Year

To be admitted to the Professional Year, candidates must continue to meet all Requirements for Continuing in the Program and complete the following requirements.

  • Purchase an updated criminal background check and receive a satisfactory report and departmental clearance during the capstone methods course
  • Continue to self-report any new criminal charges and/or convictions occurring between required criminal background checks and the completion of the licensure program, and receive departmental clearance before proceeding to complete field experiences
  • Continue to have satisfactory evaluations on the abilities/characteristics listed on the professional dispositions assessment administered in all relevant courses
  • Continue to have satisfactory evaluations of performance in all field experiences
  • Complete a Professional Year Application and all of the requirements therein (including personal statement and health screening) to be signed by the Department of Education advisor, and submitted to the Coordinator of Field Placements during an individual meeting no later than the announced deadline during the semester prior to beginning the capstone course

Recommendation for a North Carolina Professional Educator’s Initial License

To be recommended for licensure, candidates must have met all Requirements for Continuing in the Program and Requirements for Admission to the Professional Year, and successfully complete the following Candidate Requirements.

  • Completion of the Clinical Practice experience, receiving a rating of “Met” on all standards on the Evaluation by North Carolina Local Education Agency (Certification of Teaching Capacity) form
  • Have a cumulative GPA of 2.7 or higher
  • Have completed the requirements for a major in an approved discipline with a GPA of 2.5 or higher in the major (for undergraduates)
  • Have completed all state-required assessments and licensure requirements, including the edTPA portfolio
  • Have continued to self-report any new criminal charges and/or convictions occurring between required criminal background checks and the completion of the licensure program and received departmental clearance before proceeding to complete field experiences
  • Have continued to receive satisfactory evaluations on the abilities/characteristics listed on the professional dispositions assessment administered in all relevant courses
  • Have attained passing scores on all state-required licensure exams for the desired licensure area(s)
  • Have ensured that all appropriate licensure forms and fees are submitted to the Department of Education and North Carolina Department of Public Instruction upon completion of Clinical Practice






    EducationThe Professional Year

    Note: All licensure candidates must meet with the field placement coordinator in the semester before their capstone methods courses are completed. This meeting must be scheduled during the advising period prior to early registration.

    Clinical Practice

    The Clinical Practice semester is designed as the culminating experience of the licensure program. It consists of EDUC 455 and 456.

    Education - Special Topics