Feb 11, 2025  
2015-2016 Catalog 
2015-2016 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Estimated Expenses 2015-16

The University of North Carolina at Asheville strives to inform students of all charges to their accounts as expenses are incurred. Charges are applied to a student’s account throughout the semester depending upon the student’s activities. Students are responsible for monitoring their account and for keeping contact information updated to ensure the proper delivery of billing statements.

Failure to receive a billing statement does not relieve the student from the financial responsibility of paying the charges on his or her account. Failure to pay the charges may result in the cancellation of the student’s schedule, the inability to register for future classes, and/or the inability to receive a transcript. The student may also begin acquiring late fees and interest on past due balances.

Expenses for 2015-16—per semester, excluding Health Insurance coverage fee (see below)

Note: Per semester expenses listed below are estimates. Final expenses may differ from these estimates.

Tuition and Fees—Undergraduate In-State Residents Out-of-State Residents
12 or more semester hours (full-time) $ 3302.50   $ 11109.50  
9, 10 or 11 semester hours (3/4 time) 2483.13   8338.38  
6, 7 or 8 semester hours (1/2 time) 1663.75   5567.25  
1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 semester hours 844.38   2796.13  
Tuition and Fees—Graduate In-State Residents Out-of-State Residents
9 or more semester hours (full time) $ 3672.50   $ 11292.50  
6, 7 or 8 semester hours (3/4 time) 2760.63   8475.63  
3, 4 or 5 semester hours (1/2 time) 1848.75   5658.75  
1, 2 semester hours (1/4 time) 936.88   2841.88  
Residence Hall Rooms    
Founders Hall $ 2329.00    
Governors Hall 2329.00    
Governors Hall (single) 2963.00    
Governors Village (single) 3050.00    
Mills Hall 2329.00    
Overlook Hall 2395.00    
Overlook Hall (single) 3050.00    
South Ridge 2329.00    
West Ridge 2329.00    
Board (Meal) Plan $ 1837.00    
Late Registration    
For continuing students who did not pre-register (if eligible) $ 50.00    

Health Insurance Requirement 

All degree-seeking students who are enrolled for 6 or more credit hours are required to have health insurance coverage. When students register for at least 6 credit hours, a charge for health insurance coverage ($863.50 per semester) is placed on their account.

Students who are covered by another health insurance policy MUST apply for a waiver at http://www.BCBSNC.com/student. If the policy information provided by the student is verified by Blue Cross Blue Shield, a waiver will be approved, and a credit offsetting the insurance charge will be put on the student’s account.  If a waiver is not received or policy information not verified, the student will be added to the University policy, and will be required to pay for the insurance coverage, regardless of other coverage.

Advance Tuition Deposit


Each degree-seeking applicant must remit an advance tuition deposit of $150. Freshmen accepted for the fall semester must remit the deposit by May 1, or within two weeks of notice of acceptance if admitted after May 1. Transfer students must remit the deposit by June 1. All students accepted for the spring semester must remit the deposit by December 15, or within two weeks of notice of acceptance if admitted after December 15. Failure to remit within this prescribed period will constitute withdrawal of the application. If after remitting the deposit the applicant decides not to attend UNC Asheville, and gives written notice of this decision by May 1 for the fall semester, or December 15 for the spring semester, the deposit will be refunded. Advance tuition deposits should be directed to the Office of Admissions of the University of North Carolina at Asheville.

Students who have interrupted their education from UNC Asheville and are returning after an absence of one or more semesters must submit an advanced tuition deposit of $150 by the appropriate deadline for readmission. 

Residence Hall Room Deposit

A $150 room reservation/damage deposit is required to reserve a room in a residence hall. This deposit is applied to the student’s housing costs for the first semester of attendance at UNC Asheville. Questions about financial hardships regarding the deposit should be directed to Residential Education and Housing Operations.

Students living in the residence halls are required to purchase a meal plan. Food service is provided in the Lifestyle Dining Hall and additional dining locations across campus.. Additional information on University Dining Services is available at http://www.dineoncampus.com/unca/.

Payment of Charges

Payment of charges for pre-registered students is due by August 1 for the fall semester, December 15 for the spring semester, and May 20 for all summer school terms.

Students who did not pre-register for a semester must pay all charges at the time of registration. Students who are registered for classes but miss a payment deadline may have their schedules cancelled. If the schedule is cancelled, the student must pay a $100 schedule reinstatement fee, and all tuition and fees, prior to being able to re-register. Payment of the re-registration fee does not guarantee students will retain their original schedules. The student’s original schedule will be subject to class availability. Approved financial aid arrangements will be considered by the Director of Student Accounts for delayed payment. Tuition and/or fees are subject to change without notice. 

A student who is indebted to the university for any prior period is not permitted to register. Such indebtedness includes tuition and fees, housing charges, fines, or amounts in arrears on loans, including Perkins Loans. Transcripts will not be issued until all debts have been cleared.


The following policies apply to refunds for students who officially withdraw from the University:

  1. A student who leaves school without officially withdrawing from the university forfeits all rights to a refund or to a reduction in charges on his or her account.
  2. Refunds for tuition and fees for the Fall and Spring semesters (except the application fee and course fees, which are non-refundable) will be on the following basis, provided the student officially withdraws from all courses (exits from the university during that semester). There is no refund given if students withdraw from one course while still enrolled in others. The percentage of refund will be based on the date shown on the official withdrawal form. 
  Date of Withdrawal Amount of Refund
  Through first week of classes 100%
  After 1 week of classes 90%
  After 2 weeks of classes 70%
  After 3 weeks of classes 50%
  After 4 weeks of classes 30%
  After 5 weeks of classes 15%
  After 6 weeks of classes None
  1. Refunds for the summer terms will be made according to the refund schedule published by the Student Accounts office.
  2. Refunds for residence hall rental will be made from a schedule on file with the Dean of Students, who may make a pro rata refund due to extenuating circumstances.
  3. Refunds for the board plan will be made from a schedule on file with the Dean of Students, who may make a pro rata refund due to extenuating circumstances.

Required Fees

Required fees represent charges made to support student activities, athletic and recreational facilities, bond issue requirements and auxiliary services including health services. Required fees cannot be waived or reduced.

Orientation Fee

There is a one-time orientation fee of $150 charged to all new freshmen and transfer students. Students who attend orientation but who subsequently do not attend the University are still responsible for payment of the orientation fee.

Matriculation Fee

A matriculation fee of $25.00 per semester is assessed to all degree-seeking students. A matriculation fee of $10.00 per semester is assessed for all non-degree seeking students. A matriculation fee of $2.00 per credit hour is assessed for courses taken during the summer.

Parking Permit Fee

Students who wish to bring a car and park it on campus must purchase a Parking Permit for $100.00. If a parking permit is not purchased, the student may not bring a car to campus. Freshmen are not permitted to have a car on campus except under extenuating circumstances, and with the approval of the UNC Asheville Transportation Office.

Miscellaneous Charges

A late pre-registration fee of $50 is charged if a continuing student registers after the assigned pre-registration date. A schedule reinstatement fee of $100 is charged if a student has his or her schedule canceled and wishes to enroll in classes again.

The cost of books or other institutional materials to be purchased by the student is approximately $600 per semester but will vary with courses selected.

For students seeking teacher licensure, North Carolina charges a fee for the processing and issuance of the initial licensure to teach in the state school system, as well as a fee for the processing and issuance of the licensure for endorsement in a second area, change of name, duplication of a license, and raising the licensure to a higher level. Consult the UNC Asheville Education Department for details.

A fee of $25 is charged for any check or ACH payment (electronic check) returned to the university by the bank for any reason.


Students must submit an online application for graduation by 10 p.m. on the day of the appropriate deadline, listed below. Students who do not submit the application by the deadline will be required to pay a late application fee of $100 prior to applying.

  • For May graduation, the application is due December 1
  • For Summer graduation, the application is due June 1
  • For December graduation, the application is due September 1

Tuition Surcharge

The North Carolina General Assembly imposes a tuition surcharge on those students initially entering the University of North Carolina system as undergraduates if they take more than 140 attempted hours to complete degree requirements. Students seeking a second baccalaureate degree are allowed attempted hours to 110 percent of degree requirements before the surcharge is imposed. Students who exceed the attempted credit hour limits within the equivalent of four academic years of regular term enrollment, or within five academic years of regular term enrollment in a degree program officially designated by the Board of Governors as a five-year program, are not subject to the surcharge. The tuition surcharge approved by the General Assembly is 50 percent.