Feb 11, 2025  
2019-2020 Catalog 
2019-2020 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Programs


Requirements for the Baccalaureate Degree

Students receiving a baccalaureate degree must satisfactorily complete a minimum of 120 semester hours of credit. Majors requiring more than 120 hours for graduation indicate this in their program descriptions. The requirements for the degree are distributed within four primary areas—the Liberal Arts Core (LAC), the major field of study, cognate courses, and electives. Some courses satisfy requirements in more than one area, and some requirements may be satisfied by a proficiency examination. Therefore, the numbers listed below for the LAC Program are an estimate only; the exact number of credits in the LAC Program will depend upon the student’s interest in terms of the major field of study and the electives.

Liberal Arts Core (LAC)

In keeping with the mission of the University of North Carolina Asheville, the Liberal Arts Core captures the development of human capabilities, disciplinary knowledge, the application of knowledge to new settings, and creative solutions to increasingly complex problems. As an indication of our commitment to working together and to crossing disciplinary borders, the Liberal Arts Core conveys the sort of shared guidance possible when disciplines collaborate for the mutual benefit of students and faculty and the fulfillment of the university’s mission. Such collaboration lies at the heart of the matter for a public liberal arts institution that “emphasizes the centrality of learning and discovery through exemplary teaching, innovative scholarship, creative expression, co-curricular activities, undergraduate research, engaged service, and practical experience” (UNC Asheville Mission Statement).

As students acquire critical thinking skills, inquire from a range of perspectives, hone effective communication and diverse forms of expression, and engage the local and global spheres, they become lifelong learners, ethical thinkers and practitioners of sustainability and invaluable society members whose transformative education enables them to flourish, responding to the world that lies before them and acting as responsible citizens and leaders.

Courses approved by the faculty to satisfy the specific requirements of the Liberal Arts Core may be found on the Office of the Registrar website, http://registrar.unca.edu/liberal-arts-core. The course credit hours listed below for each requirement are stated as the minimum credit hours required.

First-Year Seminar 3 semester hours
Academic Writing and Critical Inquiry 4 semester hours
Humanities 12 semester hours
Laboratory Science 4 semester hours
Scientific Perspectives 3 semester hours
Quantitative Perspectives 4 semester hours
Social Science 3 semester hours
Second Language 0-4 semester hours
          (proficiency through the second semester)  
Arts and Ideas 3 semester hours
Senior Capstone 4 semester hours
Diversity Intensive 3 semester hours


Descriptions of LAC Requirements

First-Year Seminar (3 semester hours)

The First-Year Seminar, LA 178 or DEPT 178, introduces students to education in a liberal arts environment, assisting them in making the transition to UNC Asheville. LA 178 is required for all incoming first-year students and must be taken within their first two semesters at UNC Asheville. To facilitate the first‐year college student’s transition to UNC Asheville, LA 178 will address topics that are important to a “first year experience,” including academic advising, effective use of college resources, and an appreciation of the rhythms of the academic year.

LA 178 integrates information and intellectual approaches from different disciplines, directly addressing the nature of a liberal arts education. To introduce students to opportunities specific to our campus, they will be encouraged to see the campus within the civic and academic communities, understanding how they have the ability to influence and affect each. They can explore the responsibilities of the liberally educated and have an opportunity to experience cultural events and special opportunities offered on campus and in the larger Asheville community.

Students may receive credit for only one section of LA 178. The First-Year Seminar cannot count for any other LAC or departmental curriculum requirement. If a student does not receive a grade of C or better in LA 178 and wishes to replace that grade, they may do so by completing another LA 178 course, of equal credit and level, regardless of prefix.

Academic Writing and Critical Inquiry (4 semester hours)

LANG 120, Academic Writing and Critical Inquiry, emphasizes writing as a tool of discovery and analysis; practice in active, critical reading; and attention to rhetorical situations and choices. It also introduces students to various discourse communities, modes, and conventions; research and information literacy skills, and the revision process. LANG 120 must be completed within the first two semesters of enrollment at UNC Asheville.

Proficiency in Writing. A grade of C- or better in LANG 120 is necessary to demonstrate proficiency for the requirement. Students who fail to demonstrate proficiency must repeat LANG 120.

Humanities (12 semester hours)

Students are required to complete HUM 124, 214, and 324. Taught by faculty from various disciplines, this sequence of courses is devoted to the intellectual and cultural history of human civilization, including both Western and non-Western cultures. These courses consider subject matter from all of the liberal arts, especially history, literature and philosophy, but also religion, natural science, social science and fine arts. The courses must be taken sequentially, ordinarily beginning in the spring semester of the freshman year and continuing through the junior year.

Laboratory Science (4 semester hours)

Since understanding the methods of science is critical to evaluating its quality and value, students are required to complete a lecture and laboratory course or a two-course combination of lecture and laboratory devoted to the investigation of scientific knowledge and its methodology. Students may not use the same course to fulfill both the Laboratory Science requirement and the Scientific Perspectives requirement.

Scientific Perspectives (3 semester hours)

Scientific Perspectives courses are focused upon the application of science and scientific methods to understanding and solving real-world problems. These broadly defined courses are taught by faculty from various disciplines and afford opportunities for students to apply scientific knowledge and skills to a range of topics, issues, subjects and disciplines. Students may not use the same course to fulfill both the Scientific Perspectives requirement and the Laboratory Science requirement.

Quantitative Perspectives (4 semester hours)

Quantitative Perspectives courses form a key role in the development of higher order skills and are interdisciplinary by nature of content and application. The study of mathematics also facilitates the development of the critical and analytical thinking processes central to a liberal education. Such courses include statistical and mathematical skills, quantitative reasoning skills, and foster positive, confident attitudes and beliefs about mathematics and quantitative reasoning. MATH and STAT prefixed courses can be used to fulfill this requirement.

Social Science (3 semester hours)

Social science courses employ observational and experimental methods to examine and predict behavioral and organizational processes in understanding human beings and the connections of a global community.

Second Language (0-4 semester hours)

Students demonstrate competency of a second language, ancient or modern, by the successful completion of the second-semester level of a language. Students may also demonstrate competency by the successful completion of a placement exam. Students who opt to study a language not taken in high school may do so; however, any credits taken beyond those required to demonstrate competency will be considered electives.

Arts and Ideas (3 semester hours)

Courses for the Arts and Ideas requirement examine the significance of the arts in the human experience, the cultural context of creative composition and performance, the foundations of aesthetic values, and the communicative function of the arts. In addition to stand-alone ARTS courses, many courses across the curriculum satisfy this requirement.

Senior Capstone (4 semester hours)

The Senior Capstone is intended to be taken in a student’s final year at UNC Asheville. Students may choose either HUM 414 or LA 478 for their capstone experience.

HUM 414 focuses on global issues and recent history, both Western and non-Western, building on information gathered and questions raised in the preceding Humanities courses. Students will develop a greater understanding of the responsibilities of and opportunities for humanity today.

LA 478 helps students cultivate an ethical sensibility that supports global citizenship. Responsible decision-making in a global world requires a sense of right and wrong, an ability to understand humanity’s differences and commonalities, and an appreciation of how institutional power works. Students study Western and Eastern ethical ideas, the meaning of citizenship, and the role of the individual in the community, using this broad skill and knowledge base to address pressing concerns and real-world problems, including globalization, governance and environmental sustainability.

Both HUM 414 and LA 478 are taught by faculty from various disciplines. Students may not receive credit for both courses.

Diversity Intensive (3 semester hours)

Courses designated as Diversity Intensive focus on the process of knowledge, discernment, and awareness whereby human beings make reasoned decisions based on difference. Taught by faculty from various programs, these broadly defined courses include but are not limited to the relationships between difference and inequality, exclusion and inclusion, representation, identity, and social, economic, and political power as it is manifested locally, statewide, countrywide, and across the globe.


Major Fields of Concentration, Optional Minors and Optional Interdisciplinary Certificates

Major Fields of Concentration

A major field of concentration normally consists of not more than 36 semester hours with a maximum of 24 semester hours of cognate courses, exclusive of any departmental requirements that also satisfy Liberal Arts Core requirements. The requirements for each major and all course descriptions are found in the Academic Departments, Programs and Courses section of the catalog.

A student may major in more than one subject by completing the requirements of each major. A student who concurrently completes the requirements for two majors will receive one degree, according to which major the student considers to be his or her primary field. Double majors will be noted on transcripts. A student wishing two baccalaureate degrees must earn the second degree pursuant to the requirements described in the Second Baccalaureate Degree section, below.

Declaration of Major

Students are required to declare a major once they have earned 60 semester hours. Students who do not declare a major after earning 60 semester hours will have a hold placed on their records that prevents registration. Some majors require the completion of specific prerequisites prior to declaring. These will be listed in the departmental sections of the catalog. Students initiate the declaration process by submitting the online Major Declaration form available on the Office of the Registrar’s website.

Students are subject to the major and concentration requirements in effect at the time they declare, or change, their major or major concentration. Only enrolled, degree-seeking students may declare majors.

The University of North Carolina at Asheville offers a four-year undergraduate program leading to Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees. A Bachelor of Science in Engineering is offered jointly with North Carolina State University. Students may choose a major/s from the following areas:

Accounting (B.S.) Interdisciplinary Studies (B.A.)
Anthropology (B.A.) Jazz and Contemporary Music (B.F.A.)
Art (B.A., B.F.A.) Languages and Literatures (B.A.)
Art History (B.A.) Management (B.S.)
Atmospheric Sciences (B.S.) Mass Communication
Biology (B.S.) Mathematics (B.A.)
Chemistry (B.A., B.S.) Music (B.A.)
Classics (B.A.) Music Technology (B.S.)
Computer Science (B.S.) New Media (B.A.)
Drama (B.A.) Philosophy (B.A.)
Economics (B.A.) Physics (B.S.)
Engineering (B.S.-Joint Degree w/NC State) Political Science (B.A.)
English (B.A.) Psychology (B.A.)
Environmental Studies (B.S.) Religious Studies (B.A.)
Health and Wellness Promotion (B.S.) Sociology (B.A.)
History (B.A.) Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies (B.A.)

Courses in Education leading to teacher licensure are also available. In addition, the university offers a range of specialized programs and educational opportunities, including a joint degree program offered cooperatively with North Carolina State University, summer instruction and studies abroad.

Optional Minor Fields of Concentration

In addition to the major field of study, a student may choose to complete one or more minor fields of concentration. A minor that is awarded by an academic department shall require at least 18 semester hours from the minor discipline, as indicated by the course prefix. Departmental minors may also require cognate courses. Minors awarded by programs not associated with an academic department shall also require at least 18 semester hours, but need not require a minimum number of hours from a single department. All minors require a minimum C (2.0) average on all work attempted at UNC Asheville. One-half of the hours required for a minor must be completed at UNC Asheville. All minors require that a minimum of 6 semester hours of 300-400 level courses be completed at UNC Asheville. Minor fields of concentration will be recorded along with majors on the student’s permanent transcript.

Declaration of Optional Minor

Students eligible to declare majors may also declare minors in those subjects where minors have been established. Students initiate the declaration process by submitting the online Minor Declaration form available on the Office of the Registrar’s website. Students are subject to the minor requirements in effect at the time they declare. Minors must be officially declared before the deadline for applying for graduation. Minors are available in the fields listed below:

Accounting Health and Wellness Promotion
Africana Studies History
American Indian and Indigenous Studies Human Rights Studies
Anthropology  Humanities
Art International Studies
Art History Latin American and Transatlantic Studies
Arts Management and Entrepreneurship Legal Studies
Asian Studies Management
Astronomy Mass Communication
Atmospheric Sciences Mathematics
Biology Music
Chemistry Neuroscience
Classics New Media
Computer Science Philosophy
Creative Writing Physics
Dance Political Science
Drama Psychology
Economics Religious Studies
English Sociology
Environmental Studies Spanish
French U.S. Ethnic Studies
German Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies

Optional Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Certificates 

In addition to the major field of study and optional minor fields of concentration, undergraduate degree-seeking students may also choose to complete one or more interdisciplinary certificates. Constituent courses in interdisciplinary certificate programs approach a topic or issue from multiple disciplinary perspectives and highlight connections between concurrent or consecutive courses comprising the certificate. Undergraduate certificates include an engaged experience such as a cornerstone course, a capstone course, or another high impact educational practice such as UNC Asheville faculty-led study abroad, cross-course projects, undergraduate research, or service learning. Interdisciplinary certificates will be recorded along with majors and minors on the student’s permanent transcript.

Specific requirements for an interdisciplinary undergraduate certificate are as follows:

  • A minimum of 4 courses from an approved set of courses
  • A minimum of 12 semester hours
  • Courses must represent at least two different disciplines (as determined by course prefix) from two different departments
  • No more than eight of the required 12 semester hours that a student applies toward an interdisciplinary certificate may have the same course prefix
  • No more than 8 hours from a declared major or minor may be applied toward an interdisciplinary certificate
  • At least 3 of the 12 hours must be at the 300-400 level.
  • All courses used for the certificate must be completed at UNC Asheville.
  • HUM 124, 214, 324, 414, LA 178 and 478 may not be included in the list of courses for the certificate
  • Students must have a minimum cumulative C (2.0) average on all courses used for the certificate
  • Interdisciplinary certificates may only be completed in conjunction with the completion of an undergraduate degree at UNC Asheville

Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Certificates are currently available in Applied Social Science Research , Contemplative Inquiry  and Food, Food Systems and Culture .

Declaration of Optional Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Certificate

Students initiate the declaration process by contacting the appropriate certificate coordinator. Together, they complete an Interdisciplinary Certificate Declaration form that is then submitted to the Office of the Registrar in the Academic Success Center. Students are subject to the requirements in effect at the time they formally declare the interdisciplinary certificate. Students are responsible for knowing their certificate requirements and for completing them. In certificates with a designated capstone experience, the declaration must occur before enrolling in the capstone course. In all instances, certificates must be officially declared before the deadline for applying for graduation.

Joint Programs

The following programs allow students to combine work at the University of North Carolina at Asheville with work at other universities, leading to degrees in majors otherwise unavailable. For more information, contact the offices listed.

Joint Bachelor of Science Degree in Engineering with a Concentration in Mechatronics from North Carolina State University and UNC Asheville

The University of North Carolina at Asheville and North Carolina State University offer a joint Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering with a concentration in Mechatronics. The Mechatronics degree is offered entirely on the UNC Asheville campus. Mechatronics is a unique, multidisciplinary field of study integrating electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and computer and control engineering. Mechatronics engineering focuses on the precision control of mechanical and machine systems. In today’s engineering systems, control is achieved electronically through sensors, actuators and microprocessors. The marriage of control systems with mechanical devices is key to the design and development of high performance engineering systems.

The joint degree program gives students the benefits of a strong foundation in the liberal arts combined with rigorous studies in engineering disciplines and allows students to complete an engineering degree while living in the Asheville area. 

Prospective students should apply to UNC Asheville through the UNC Asheville Office of Admission. Currently enrolled students can obtain information through the Engineering Programs Office in Rhoades Hall at UNC Asheville.

Bachelor of Science in Engineering Degree in 15 Program Areas through North Carolina State University

The University of North Carolina at Asheville and North Carolina State University also offer a Two-Plus-Two Engineering Program leading to a Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree in one of 15 areas listed below. Students complete approximately one half of the NC State BS degree requirements while attending UNC Asheville, and then transfer to NC State.

Many NC State engineering courses are available at UNC Asheville via distance education through the North Carolina State University Engineering Programs Office in Rhoades Hall. The Two-Plus-Two Engineering Program includes the following curricula:

Civil Engineering
Computer Engineering
Construction Engineering and Management
Electrical Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Mechanical Engineering

The following curricula are also supported, but must be completed on a 1+3 schedule:

Aerospace Engineering
Biological Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Nuclear Engineering
Paper Science and Engineering
Textile Engineering

Joint Program with North Carolina State University in Chemistry and Textile Chemistry

The University of North Carolina at Asheville and the Department of Textile Chemistry, School of Textiles, North Carolina State University, have arranged a program that allows students to take three years with a concentration in chemistry at UNC Asheville and one year in textiles and textile chemistry at North Carolina State University. Satisfactory completion of the program will enable students to earn simultaneously a B.S. in Textile Chemistry from North Carolina State University at Raleigh and a B.A. in Chemistry from the University of North Carolina at Asheville.

Specialized Baccalaureate Degree Programs

The University of North Carolina Asheville offers a number of specialized degree opportunities to provide more flexible academic routes for its students. Among these are pre-professional programs in preparation for professional study in law, medicine and dentistry, and joint programs with other universities leading to degrees in specialized fields.

Pre-Professional Programs

The university provides special advising and individual programs for students who are preparing for entry into medical, dental, veterinary or law schools.

Health Professions: UNC Asheville emphasizes a strong liberal arts curriculum as the best preparation for medical, dental, veterinary and pharmacy programs. Accordingly, students interested in these fields major in a wide range of academic disciplines at UNC Asheville, and our graduates have gained admission to some of the best professional schools in the nation. Advisors in the Pre-Health Professions  program encourage and support students through a variety of pre-health professions experiences.

Pre-Law Program: UNC Asheville believes the best preparation for law school consists of developing a quality grade-point average within a solid academic curriculum rather than majoring in “pre-law.” Accordingly, undergraduates interested in the law have majored in a wide range of disciplines at the university and have gained acceptance to law schools throughout the nation.

Students interested in one of the pre-professional programs should consult with the Academic Sucess Center for referral to the appropriate campus advisor. Model programs are available, and students should avail themselves of such aid as early as possible in their studies.


Post-Baccalaureate Study

Those who hold a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution have three options for further credentials from UNCA:       

  1. Second Baccalaureate Degree
    The university grants a Second Baccalaureate Degree to students who have already received a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution. The major program must be different from that for which the first baccalaureate degree was awarded. A student’s prior coursework is evaluated as transfer credit and the requirements for the Liberal Arts Core are considered fulfilled. UNC Asheville does not award additional baccalaureate degrees after a student has earned two baccalaureate degrees.

    Students enrolling for a second degree must complete at least 30 semester hours and at least two-thirds (2/3) of the requirements for a major at UNC Asheville, including prerequisites, correlate courses, and the demonstration of competency required for the major.  Students whose initial baccalaureate degree was not earned at UNC Asheville must still have at least 120 total hours to receive a degree. For students whose first degree was earned at UNC Asheville, the 30 hours must be earned after the initial baccalaureate degree is awarded.
  2. Master of Liberal Arts and Sciences Degree
    The Master of Liberal Arts and Sciences degree is a broad interdisciplinary, liberal studies program at the graduate level. It focuses on the theme The Human Condition, exploring human nature, human values and the quality of human life. This degree program is designed for college-educated adults seeking intellectual stimulation and personal growth. See the Master of Liberal Arts and Sciences  section of the catalog for a full description of the program and application procedures.
  3. Post-Baccalaureate Certificate Program
    The Post-Baccalaureate Certificate program provides opportunities for professionals to earn certificates in specialized areas of study. See the Master of Liberal Arts and Sciences section of the catalog for a full description of the certificate options and application procedures.

Other Special Academic Opportunities

Undergraduate Research Program

The Undergraduate Research Program at UNC Asheville seeks to encourage the establishment of faculty/student research pairs who work together on a project of mutual interest. Research may be performed in any discipline on campus. The mentoring relationship developed through the research process is beneficial to the student and to the faculty member. Students have the opportunity to participate in the research from beginning to end, to go beyond the classroom experience and investigate an idea in great depth and to learn about the excitement (and frustrations) of research.

The Undergraduate Research Program provides academic-year and summer student research and travel grants. These are monetary awards given to students for research and/or travel expenses. Students apply by submitting a brief description of the research project and a budget plan to the Undergraduate Research Program Advisory Council. Projects to be funded are selected by the Council. Forms for grant submission are available from the Undergraduate Research Office.

Study Abroad

Through the Office of Study Abroad, the University of North Carolina at Asheville offers a variety of organized educational opportunities in foreign countries, involving classroom instruction at fixed locations and travel for educational purposes. Study abroad is an ideal component of UNC Asheville’s liberal arts mission. UNC Asheville students can study abroad at affordable prices, earn credits toward their degrees, and still graduate on time.

UNC Asheville has a number of exchange opportunities with universities in Australia, England, France, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea and Spain. We are also a member of the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP), which allow students to study at universities in over 50 countries. Students can also study through a wide variety of non-exchange programs that are affiliated with UNC Asheville.

Additionally, short-term faculty-led programs are offered over winter break, during spring break, and in the summer. Locations may include, but are not limited to, England, Ghana, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy and Spain. UNC Asheville faculty members teach courses that may include a service-learning component or fulfill graduation requirements. For more information, contact the Office of Study Abroad or visit http://studyabroad.unca.edu.

University Honors Program

The University Honors Program is an enrichment program for bright, eager and active students. Students formally admitted to the Honors Program are eligible to enroll in special sections of the Liberal Arts Core requirements and Honors courses including First-Year Colloquia and Special Topics courses taught at all undergraduate levels. The Honors Program sponsors co-curricular activities including special speakers, films, trips, cultural events and socials. Students are invited to meet with distinguished campus guests. Honors students are expected to be active members of the program, involving themselves in the co-curricular activities including service learning as well as social gatherings, and to maintain outstanding grades.

Internship Opportunities

An internship is a form of experiential learning that integrates the knowledge and theory learned in the classroom with the practical application and skill development in a professional setting. As an extension of the classroom, internships give students the opportunity to gain valuable applied experience, reflect on that experience, and make connections in professional fields.

Internships are available to qualified students with Junior or Senior standing, and/or departmental approval. The amount of academic credit received will vary, but a minimum of 35 hours of work must be completed for each credit hour earned. Allocation of these internship hours, between fieldwork and classroom/assignment work, will be determined by the faculty supervisor.

The policies for internships, and the requirements for students, faculty and host agencies, can be found on the Career Center website, https://career.unca.edu/.

Special Topics Courses

Special Topics courses are those planned to meet a specific academic need at a particular time. They provide flexibility beyond the catalog offerings to take advantage of available teaching talent and to assess new areas for program development. Special Topics courses may not be offered on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory (S/U) basis without the approval of the department chair/program director and the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.

Independent Study Courses

Students may arrange to meet an academic need which cannot be satisfied through the regular schedule of courses provided a faculty member is willing to assume the responsibility of teaching an “Independent Study” course, and the department chair/program director approves. Once approved, the department chair or instructor submit a request to the Office of the Registrar to have the course added to the schedule for the student.

Summer Sessions

The university conducts a summer semester during which a limited selection of courses from the regular schedule is offered along with special courses, workshops and institutes. All degree-credit courses offered in the summer semester are the equivalent of those offered during the fall and spring semesters. Summer school courses are billed on a per-credit-hour basis.

The dates of the summer semester are available on the Office of the Registrar website. Information about admission to the summer semester may be obtained from the Office of  Admission and Financial Aid. The schedule of summer courses is available at http://registrar.unca.edu/.

UNC Online Program

In response to growing statewide demand for affordable access to quality higher education, UNC Asheville participates in the UNC Online Program. The UNC Online Program maintains a central website that provides convenient one-stop access to course offerings and information for each of the participating 16 UNC system institutions. Students can search online course offerings as well as reference information on how to apply and the costs involved. Specific policies and procedures for each institution are outlined and accessible via the UNC Online website at http://online.northcarolina.edu. 

UNC Asheville students wishing to participate in this program must adhere to the policies and procedures as outlined on the UNC Asheville Office of the Registrar’s website at http://registrar.unca.edu. Students from other institutions wishing to take online courses with UNC Asheville should consult with their home campus Registrar and review the UNC Asheville policies for visiting student participation on the UNC Online website.

Course offerings will vary from semester to semester. All students are encouraged to reference the central website of the UNC Online Program at http://online.northcarolina.edu for more information, course offerings and deadlines.

Asheville Area Educational Consortium

Degree-seeking students enrolled at UNC Asheville may enroll for credit in courses offered at Mars Hill University and Warren Wilson College through the Asheville Area Educational Consortium. Credit hours will be awarded by UNC Asheville.

Participation guidelines:

  1. Full-time degree-seeking students may take a total of four courses within their degree program under the consortium agreement. Enrollment is limited to fall and spring semesters.
  2. In any semester of full-time status, a student may take up to 6 additional hours of credit through the consortium agreement.
  3. Students may not normally cross-register for courses available on their home campus.
  4. Regular UNC Asheville tuition and fees will be charged.

For specific cross-registration procedures and forms, UNC Asheville students should contact the UNC Asheville Office of the Registrar. Mars Hill University and Warren Wilson College students who wish to enroll in UNC Asheville courses should contact the registrar at their school.


Academic Support Services

Accessibility Services

UNC Asheville complies with state and federal civil rights legislation intended to protect the rights of persons with disabilities, including The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as amended in 2008, and Section 504 of The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended. UNC Asheville and the Office of Academic Accessibility work to ensure equal access to opportunity, university courses, programs, services, activities and full integration into the campus environment, along with reasonable accommodations for qualifying students. Accommodations are designed and developed on an individual basis with the student and are provided at no additional charge. Academic and personal supports are available to students with and without disabilities including writing, math and subject-specific tutoring, self-advocacy training, health services and counseling as well as other services. A visit to the campus before acceptance or matriculation is highly recommended. For additional information, please visit the Office of Academic Accessibility website http://oaa.unca.edu.

Parsons Mathematics Assistance Center

Located on the top floor of Robinson Hall, The Parsons Mathematics Assistance Center provides math help to all UNC-Asheville students without charge. Assistance is available for all 100-level and some 200-level math and statistics courses.  No appointment is necessary. Hours are extensive and are posted each semester. For additional information, or to apply to be a math tutor in the lab, visit “The Math Lab’s” website, https://math.unca.edu/joseph-parsons-mathematics-assistance-center.

University Writing Center

The University Writing Center (UWC) provides support to students writing for any course, as well those writing application letters, personal statements, and creative writing.

Writing consultants offer friendly, constructive feedback at any point of the writing process, from brainstorming to revising. Appointments last 30-50 minutes and can be scheduled by visiting http://writingcenter.unca.edu/. The UWC is located on the main floor of the library, RAM 136. 

Peer Tutoring Program

Offered as a free service for all currently enrolled UNC Asheville students, the Peer Tutoring program’s student-centered approach emphasizes active learning and effective study skills. Tutors are highly-qualified students approved by department chairs and specific instructors, and they cover dozens of courses in the natural and social sciences and languages. For additional information, please visit http://advising.unca.edu/PeerTutoring.

Ramsey Library

D. Hiden Ramsey Library provides students, faculty, staff and community members with a wide array of information resources and tools as well as research and technology help and a variety of study and collaborative spaces, including a carrel that features assistive software. The library offers quiet, comfortable spaces as well as collaborative work areas, and when it’s time for a study break Argo Tea and The Glass House offer a relaxing atmosphere.

The library houses approximately 300,000 volumes and provides access to more than two million book titles through the Western North Carolina Library Network. A broad selection of film and music is also available for checkout. Authorized users have access to over 600,000 ebooks, 90,000 ejournals and many specialized research databases and streaming resources, whether on campus or anywhere in the world, at any time of the day or night. Special Collections has a rich collection of local and regional archival materials, including photos, newspapers and ephemera in both print and digitized format and also houses the University Archives.

Video Production Services operates a television studio and audio recording lab and performs post-production video editing in support of academic classes.

Visitors to the library can use computing, printing, scanning and copying facilities or check out a laptop or video camera. The Media Design Lab and CrAFT Studio provide UNC Asheville students, faculty and staff working on technology-intensive projects with software and equipment to create and edit audio, video and graphic design objects and to design and fabricate 3D objects. The CrAFT Studio also features sound-proof study booths for presentation and some instrument practice.

Expert librarians and staff promote information literacy on campus, assist users in research techniques and offer individual and group instruction sessions.

The library also houses a range of student-centered services including the Academic Success Center (Registrar, Advising, Cashier, Study Abroad, and Disability/Accessibility Services), the University Writing Center and the Center for Teaching and Learning.

Visit library.unca.edu to access library resources and services.

Career Center

The Career Center, located in 259 Highsmith, provides students and alumni with lifelong career development guidance and services.  Professional staff and career peers are available to assist with selection of an academic major, career exploration, occupational information, LinkedIn profile, resume and cover letter writing, interview skills and obtaining internships, jobs and graduate schools admissions.  The Career Center provides career-related workshops, on-campus job fairs, career panels and employer information sessions, and posts part-time, full-time, volunteer and internship positions on Handshake which is accessible through OnePort. For additional information, visit the Career Center website (career.unca.edu)

The Career Center coordinates the Student Employment Program in collaboration with the Financial Aid, Human Resources and Payroll offices.  For additional information, visit the Student Employment website (career.unca.edu/student-employment) for job posting, application eligibility, employment and payroll policies and procedures. 

Information Technology Services

UNC Asheville Information Technology Services (ITS) provides a variety of services to the student community including:

  • Wireless internet connectivity in specified areas. See http://its.unca.edu for more information.
  • Web-based email, calendaring, and productivity software through Google Apps for Education. See https://sites.google.com/a/unca.edu/googleapps/ for more information.
  • An open-use, academic computer lab (NH 008) and support of other departmental, teaching, and non-academic computer labs on campus. See http://its.unca.edu/ for more information.
  • Assistance with basic campus IT services through the ITS Help Desk. The ITS Help Desk should be your first point of contact for technical assistance. Contact the Help Desk by sending an email to helpdesk@unca.edu or by calling 828.251.6445.

IT Services for Residential Students

Information Technology Services in collaboration with the Office of Housing and Student Life Operations provides the following services to our resident students.

  • Wired connectivity in residence halls.
  • Limited support to help resident students keep their computers virus and spyware/malware free.
  • Business centers in residence halls.

See https:// its.unca.edu/new-students for additional information.


Graduate Studies, Professional Education, and Sponsored Programs 

The Office of Graduate Studies, Professional Education, and Sponsored Programs houses the Asheville Graduate Center, the Master of Liberal Arts and Sciences Program, the Great Smokies Writing Program, Professional Education Programs, and the Office of Sponsored Scholarship and Programs.

Asheville Graduate Center

The Asheville Graduate Center makes available to the residents of Western North Carolina graduate degree programs from distinctive universities. Established in 1984, the Asheville Graduate Center is administered by the UNC Asheville Office of Academic Affairs. Quality graduate programs offered through the Asheville Graduate Center are responsive to the unique mission of UNC Asheville and the needs of our region and state, linking graduate education to innovation and helping our region gain a competitive edge. Future programs will be added, when appropriate, in response to the educational and economic needs of Western North Carolina. Additional information on the specific degrees and programs offered is available on the website, http://agc.unca.edu/, and from the director of the Asheville Graduate Center.

Master of Liberal Arts and Sciences Program

The Master of Liberal Arts and Sciences program is an interdisciplinary, part-time course of study designed for a wide spectrum of adults. It provides a challenging, structured liberal arts curriculum at the graduate level. The program explores human nature, human values, and the quality of human life. Students may pursue a degree or take courses toward a certificate in Climate Change and Society or Environmental and Cultural Sustainability. Complete information on program requirements can be found in the Master of Liberal Arts and Sciences degree section of this catalog, or at http://mlas.unca.edu/.

Great Smokies Writing Program              

The Great Smokies Writing Program is a collaborative effort between the Creative Writing program in the UNC Asheville Department of English and the Asheville Graduate Center. The program provides high quality instruction for those in the community interested in pursuing creative writing. Courses are offered throughout the year to both accomplished and novice writers and poets who wish to come together to learn from seasoned instructors and as well as their peers. The monthly Writers at Home series provides an opportunity for the community to become familiar with both regional and local writers.

Professional Education

The Office of Professional Education and Development offers numerous professional development conferences and seminars, test preparation courses including the SAT, GRE and LSAT, GMAT. Additional programs offered include Effective Teacher Training, which is presented several times per year for those interested in substituting in the area schools, and test proctoring services.

Office of Sponsored Scholarship and Programs

The Office of Sponsored Scholarship and Programs (OSSP) administers externally funded proposals and contracts for research, instruction, and extension projects at the University of North Carolina at Asheville. The OSSP was formally established in 2003 as an administrative department under Academic Affairs.

Distance Education

The Office of Distance Education serves as liaison between the region and the various colleges, divisions and departments of the university in delivering educational services to its constituents in field-based settings. The primary function of the office is the promotion and development of off-campus credit courses and administrative services which meet the needs of a diverse undergraduate and graduate student population including efforts in teacher education throughout the state.

A limited number of online courses reflective of the liberal arts mission are offered each semester as UNC Asheville seeks to support and participate in the growing demand for asynchronous learning.

The Lateral Entry Initiative is a collaborative effort between the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction and the UNC Asheville Distance Education office. UNC Asheville and Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College coordinate efforts to provide courses for lateral entry teachers. Evaluation and licensure is handled through the Regional Alternative Licensing Center. Courses are either hybrid, using teleconferencing, or are completely online. Courses meet the General Pedagogy Requirements for regular classroom teachers and the K-12 Special Education General Curriculum requirements.  Courses are offered in the fall, spring and summer terms to address the teacher shortage in the state.

Key Center  

The Key Center for Community Citizenship and Service-Learning is the university’s hub for the promotion of service learning, a form of experiential education in which students work primarily with non-profit organizations, governmental agencies, and other civic groups on community problems or issues. The Key Center helps faculty, students and community members use best practices in service learning so that both the community and students benefit from their work together.

The Key Center, working with its advisory council, also coordinates the approval of Service-Learning Designated Courses and the recommendation of graduating students for the Community Engaged Scholar designation, which honors those who have demonstrated outstanding work in service learning. The Key Center, located in Highsmith Student Union, may be contacted by email at keyctr@unca.edu. Additional information is available at http://keycenter.unca.edu.

Cultural Events and Special Academic Programs              

The Office of Cultural Events (CESAP) oversees a year-round calendar of major performing arts and Distinguished Speaker programs as well as conferences, camps and institutes related to the mission of the University.

Our arts and speakers programs are designed to enrich and extend the undergraduate academic course curriculum and provide engaging events for our campus community and the surrounding region. Series offerings are chosen by a volunteer advisory committee composed of students, staff and faculty who work closely with CESAP staff. These programs not only provide free or low-cost enjoyable social networking for students but also have direct and intentional connections to the Liberal Arts Core as well as most majors and disciplines.

Many of our programs have free, extended activities for students such as interactive workshops, master classes, pre- or post-performance discussions and exhibits. National and international touring companies in theatre or dance, and concerts of world class jazz, light classical or world music are featured. Renowned authorities on current issues, as well as poets and authors, give lectures and readings annually. CESAP publishes three editions of the Co-Curricular Events Guide which assists faculty in finding relevant campus programming for their current classes.

Year-round camps, conferences and institutes coordinated by CESAP staff are designed to create opportunities for mainly non-credit bearing academic learning and hands-on experiences in a relaxed higher education atmosphere though there are some institutes devoted to professional advancement and for-credit study. Many of the conferences and camps are open to the community-at-large as well as college-level students, and there are also special activities for children. Summer camps and institutes on the UNC Asheville campus might offer sports, intensive experiences in writing or drama for all ages, music, art, wellness activities and science-related programs.

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UNC Asheville              

The mission of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UNC Asheville is to promote thriving in life’s second half through programs in lifelong learning, leadership, community service, and research. OLLI plays a leadership role in the field of lifelong learning, enriching the lives of people in the greater Asheville area, and promotes innovative excellence by sharing its programs and research, both nationally and internationally.

OLLI (formerly the North Carolina Center for Creative Retirement) was established in 1988 as an integral part of UNC Asheville with the threefold purpose of providing today’s accomplished adult with opportunities for lifelong learning, leadership and community service, each combined with the fellowship of peers sharing a common quest for continued growth and service to others.

OLLI participants help to set annual objectives and implement programs through the Steering Council in collaboration with OLLI’s professional staff. OLLI draws financial support from public funding, private fees, consulting services, gifts and foundation grants.